1. Visit https://www.bonzapp.com/dashboard/ where you should see a login panel.
If you've received an email confirming your registration, login using the email and password you've chosen, or been provided with.
Always keep your password secret, so that no-one else has access to the dashboard and can make changes to your site.
Once successfully logged in you should now see a screen like the one below.
2. You should see the name of your website, and buttons "Pages" and "Settings", as well as links at the top of the page.
Some websites will have a blog, which you can access via the Blog button.
The Users button will allow you to add other people to administrate your website - use with care.
The Forms button allows you to see form submissions for any forms on your site, including the contact form.
The "Pages" button is the one you will normally use and allows you to make changes to your website at any time.
Click that button, and visit the Adding and Amending Pages page.